
28 August 2012

A Message to Atd Builder

Dear Atd Builder,

I refer to your comments on my blog post entitled "Reno IDs/Contractors That I Avoid". I am sorry that I did not email to you at within 2 days (from 22 August 2102) because I was busy with work and personal commitment and had not attend to my blog for quite some time. Also, I am choosing to reply via this blog post rather than emailing to your gmail account because you have not identified yourself and I cannot ascertain whether you are a legitimate representative from Atd Builder or a spammer who uses scare tactics get email addresses from new homeowners.

With regards to your comment that my blog post is "totally untrue abt our company & it is defamatory in nature". I have checked my entire blog and confirmed that the only time your company mentioned before 21 August 2012 (the date you left your first comment) was in "Reno IDs/Contractors That I Avoid". Please forgive me for my naiveness because I thought if I I have a blog post that says:
I learned that eating fast food is very unhealthy. They are fatty and oily. Fat and oily food can make one fat and cause acne. Based on what I have learned, I will avoid eating at the following fast food restaurants:
  • MacDonalds 
  • KFC
I am simply stating my preference for not having my meals at MacDonalds and KFC. I failed to understand that my statement can be deem defamatory to the said fast food restaurant. 

I apologize for saying that I will avoid the list of 28  IDs/contractors, in which your company was included, based on what I have read over the internet. As you can read in my disclaimer "The listed IDs and renovation contractors are those that I personally would not approach for my home renovation and I have my own reasons for doing so but this does not mean YOU should avoid them like I do.... blah blah blah...", I  was not trying to instigate others to avoid your company. I have removed the list and I hope you are appeased. 

With regards to your comments on "the entry made abt our company in renotalk". I'd like to clarify that I am not active in Renotalk forum. I headed over to Renotalk forum after reading your comment and performed a search with your company's name but saw no results. I then performed a Google search and the only results about about Atd Building on renotalk is this: "Beware Of Atd Builder" (post removed from Renotalk but still available in web cache). If this is the entry you are referring to, I hereby declare that the entry was not made by me and it has nothing to do with me and my blog. 

Kindly perform due diligence before issuing warnings. Your false allegation has caused me tremendous distress. I am also feeling very disturbed by your threat that you will make report against me and my blog for failing to accede to your demand to reply within 2 days. Should you insist on further harassment, I may refer the matter to my legal adviser. 

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